Calling All Horror Fans! 😱
Join my ARC reader team and get early access to my upcoming novel for free.
It’s that time again!
I need ARC readers for my upcoming horror novel, The Substitute.
You might be asking, “What the heck is an ARC reader, Dave?”
Let me tell you. ARC stands for “Advance Review Copy” - it’s a common practice in the publishing world and involves readers receiving a free copy of a book in exchange for an honest review.
I’m looking for a handful of keen horror enthusiasts to read and review The Substitute, which is due for release in early November. It’s a hefty read at around 500 pages, so please only throw your hat in the ring if you can commit to it. You’ll receive a free digital ARC copy of the book and an enormous wallop of gratitude from me in return.
Here’s the synopsis:
If you’re interested in becoming an ARC reader for The Substitute and/or if you have any questions about the process (or the book itself), please just reply directly to this email, DM me, or post a comment below.
I hope to have ARCs sent to everyone by the middle of September.
Thanks, everyone! 😊
Hi, I’d love to be an ARC reader! Congrats on your upcoming novel!
I’m in! Really like the premise!