Imposter Syndrome is a spooky young adult mystery set in the weird town of Shady Springs, where nothing’s ever quite what it seems. Paid subscribers can read full segments of the story as they’re released (and help support my fiction writing in the process). Annual subscribers will also get a free physical copy of the novel when it’s published in full.
“What the heck was that?” Theo panted, leaning on his handlebars.
They were in the park. Alex had already dismounted her bike and propped it against a tree, and now she was lying on the grass with her arms over her face, still wearing her helmet. The morning sun burned hot above them.
“Seriously,” Theo said, tugging off his helmet. “What was that?”
“I don’t know,” Alex replied. Her voice was muffled under her arms.
Theo sighed and clambered off the pink bike, letting it topple unceremoniously to the ground. “Careful,” Alex said, her face still covered.
“That was really weird,” said Theo, wiping his brow. He was still breathing hard after their furious pedal from Mr Morgenstein’s house back into town. After his third plea to stop, Alex had swung into Shady Springs Park and headed for a clump of trees in the corner just past the playpark. Younger children shrieked happily as they chased one another between the jungle gym and the swing set while parents waiting on nearby benches stared at their phone screens.
“Those boys weren’t Mr Morgenstein’s nephews,” Alex said.
“You think?” Theo replied.